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Interview Preparation: 5W’s & How

Preparing for an interview is crucial for any candidate in the agri-food industry, just like game preparation is for a professional hockey player. At Litherland & Co, our executive search management firm works with candidates to help them relieve stress, play their best during the interview, and land their dream job in agribusiness.

Before the interview, it's essential to conduct prior research and practice answering questions by drawing from past experiences in the agri-food industry. If you don't know the answer, it's okay to say so! Timing is also crucial, and we recommend scheduling interviews for first thing in the morning, as recruiters are less likely to be distracted or tired.

In-person interviews require a business card and a copy of your resume, and we recommend offering a handshake as a professional act of courtesy. Appearance is also key to making a positive impression, so it's essential to dress professionally and present yourself well, whether it's in-person or virtual.

During the interview, it's crucial to stay calm, take your time when answering questions, and follow up with a thank-you note afterward. Practicing with a friend or family member can also help you prepare and reduce nerves.

At Litherland & Co, we conduct interviews almost every day in the agri-food industry, and we have seen it all. We recommend reading the job description and taking notes to prepare, just as a hockey player listens to music before a game. By implementing these tips, you'll be on par with Canada's top agricultural talent and increase your chances of landing your dream job in agribusiness. Contact us today to learn more about our executive search services and job openings in the industry.


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